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Dries Buytaert: Introducing Drupal Starshot's product strategy

Drupal News - Mi, 08/07/2024 - 00:49

I'm excited to share the first version of Drupal Starshot's product strategy, a document that aims to guide the development and marketing of Drupal Starshot. To read it, download the full Drupal Starshot strategy document as a PDF (8 MB).

This strategy document is the result of a collaborative effort among the Drupal Starshot leadership team, the Drupal Starshot Advisory Council, and the Drupal Core Committers. We also tested it with marketers who provided feedback and validation.

Drupal Starshot and Drupal Core

Drupal Starshot is the temporary codename for an initiative that extends the capabilities of Drupal Core. Drupal Starshot aims to broaden Drupal's appeal to marketers and a wider range of project budgets. Our ultimate goal is to increase Drupal's adoption, solidify Drupal's position as a leading CMS, and champion an Open Web.

For more context, please watch my DrupalCon Portland keynote.

It's important to note that Drupal Starshot and Drupal Core will have separate yet complementary product strategies. Drupal Starshot will focus on empowering marketers and expanding Drupal's presence in the mid-market, while Drupal Core will prioritize the needs of developers and more technical users. I'll write more about the Drupal Core product strategy in a future blog post once we have finalized it. Together, these two strategies will form a comprehensive vision for Drupal as a product.

Why a product strategy?

By defining our goals, target audience and necessary features, we can more effectively guide contributors and ensure that everyone is working towards a common vision. This product strategy will serve as a foundation for our development roadmap, our marketing efforts, enabling Drupal Certified Partners, and more.

Drupal Starshot product strategy TL;DR

For the detailed product strategy, please read the full Drupal Starshot strategy document (8 MB, PDF). Below is just a summary.

Drupal Starshot aims to be the gold standard for marketers that want to build great digital experiences.

We'd like to expand Drupal's reach by focusing on two strategic shifts:

  1. Prioritizing Drupal for content creators, marketers, web managers, and web designers so they can independently build websites. A key goal is to empower these marketing professionals to build and manage their websites independently without relying on developers or having to use the command line or an IDE.
  2. Extending Drupal's presence in the mid-market segment, targeting projects with total budgets between $30,000 and $120,000 USD (€25,000 to €100,000).

Drupal Starshot will differentiate itself from competitors by providing:

  1. A thoughtfully designed platform for marketers, balancing ease of use with flexibility. It includes smart defaults, best practices for common marketing tasks, marketing-focused editorial tools, and helpful learning resources.
  2. A growth-oriented approach. Start simple with Drupal Starshot's user-friendly tools, and unlock advanced features as your site grows or you gain expertise. With sophisticated content modeling, efficient content reuse across channels, and robust integrations with other leading marketing technologies, ambitious marketers won't face the limitations of other CMSs and will have the flexibility to scale their site as needed.
  3. AI-assisted site building tools to simplify complex tasks, making Drupal accessible to a wider range of users.
  4. Drupal's existing competitive advantages such as extensibility, scalability, security, accessibility, multilingual support, and more.
Give feedback

The product strategy is a living document, and we value input. We invite you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and questions in the product strategy feedback issue within the Drupal Starshot issue queue.

Get involved

There are many opportunities to get involved with Drupal Starshot, whether you're a marketer, developer, designer, writer, project manager, or simply passionate about the future of Drupal. To learn more about how you can contribute to Drupal Starshot, visit https://drupal.org/starshot.

Thank you

I'd like to thank the Drupal Starshot leadership team, the Drupal Starshot Advisory Council, and the Drupal Core Committers for their input on the strategy. I'm also grateful for the marketers who provided feedback on our strategy, helping us refine our approach.

Kategorien: Drupal News

Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Changing to Drupal and Maintaining Search Engine Rankings

Drupal News - Di, 08/06/2024 - 20:55

So you’ve decided to change to Drupal, or maybe you are making a major upgrade from a really old version of Drupal to a more modern one and you are concerned about your SEO.

Changing content management systems will impact your search engine optimization (SEO), but with careful consideration and planning this can be a positive change rather than a negative one.

What is SEO

There are many misconceptions about search engine optimization, and part of that is because the industry has often been cast in a negative light. Really SEO is the process of making sure your website meets certain guidelines and standards so search engines can understand its content, relevance, and value to users.

Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: Resurrected with Resilience: Dallas Ramsden's Drupal Legacy

Drupal News - Di, 08/06/2024 - 16:18
In an exclusive interview with Elma John from The DropTimes, Dallas Ramsden, CEO and Solutions Architect at Xequals and Drupal Services Specialist at Sparks Interactive, shares his incredible 16-year journey with Drupal. From surviving a life-threatening accident to becoming a beacon of resilience and a dedicated Drupal veteran, Dallas discusses his passion for the platform, his transition to teaching, and his vision for the future of Drupal and technology. Join us to learn from this inspiring story of determination, community building, and lifelong learning.
Kategorien: Drupal News

Drupal 11 released

Auch Drupal News - Fr, 08/02/2024 - 18:28

Drupal 11 released
Dries Buytaert - https://dri.es
(Übersetzung s.u.)

Today is a big day for Drupal as we officially released Drupal 11!

In recent years, we've seen an uptick in innovation in Drupal. Drupal 11 continues this trend with many new and exciting features. For an overview of the new features, check out https://www.drupal.org/about/11.


Kategorien: Drupal News

Probleme beim Restore von VMS auf Proxmox Server

Virtualisierungen - So, 07/28/2024 - 18:09
Question: Hallo zusammen! Ich versuche momentan meinen Exchange-Server auf einen neuen Proxmox Host zu migrieren. Ich habe, wie für die ganzen anderen VMs im Proxmox Backupserver... 5 Kommentare, 1371 mal gelesen.
Kategorien: Anleitungen

Joplin Server (Docker) Nginx Proxy Manager Problem

Virtualisierungen - Sa, 07/27/2024 - 00:08
Question: Ich habe den Joplin-Server zu meiner Docker-Umgebung hinzugefügt. Ich möchte ihn hinter NPM mit wiki.domain.com betreiben. Alles ist in NPM eingerichtet, einschließlich SSL-Zertifikate. Joplin Server... 6 Kommentare, 1426 mal gelesen.
Kategorien: Anleitungen

The Savvy Few: Keeping Pace with Innovation: The Advancements of Drupal 10

Drupal News - Fr, 07/26/2024 - 15:47

Explore the standout innovations of Drupal 10, from improved theming to enhanced performance, that affirm Drupal as the ultimate platform for building digital experiences.

Read more
Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: Brad Jones on Modernizing Drupal's Data Management with JSON Integration

Drupal News - Fr, 07/26/2024 - 15:02
Brad Jones, a digital nomad and seasoned Drupal developer, merges his technical expertise and unique experiences as a part-time paramedic. His proposal, "JSON Data and Schemas FTW!", aims to revolutionize Drupal's data management by integrating JSON data types. Recognized at DrupalCon Pittsburgh's Pitch-burgh Innovation Contest, this initiative seeks to enhance flexibility and interoperability within Drupal.
Kategorien: Drupal News

1xINTERNET blog: How to optimise team efficiency by reducing "Work in Progress"

Drupal News - Fr, 07/26/2024 - 12:54

Work in Progress (WIP) is a well-known concept for optimising efficiency in various business processes. It is straightforward to understand and apply. In this article, we will show you how, and give examples how we apply it with a team of around 100 colleagues.

Kategorien: Drupal News

mark.ie: My Drupal Core Contributions for week-ending July 26th, 2024

Drupal News - Fr, 07/26/2024 - 12:54

Here's what I've been working on for my Drupal contributions this week. Thanks to Code Enigma for sponsoring the time to work on these.

Kategorien: Drupal News

Promet Source: Provus®Gov vs CivicPlus for Local Government

Drupal News - Fr, 07/26/2024 - 11:01
Takeaway: Provus®Gov emerges as the superior choice for forward-thinking government entities. Powered by Drupal, Provus®Gov as an open-source, plug-and-play platform offers unmatched flexibility, scalability, and advanced features that grow with your needs. Its user-friendly interface empowers non-technical staff, while robust security measures and built-in accessibility compliance ensure your site meets the highest standards.
Kategorien: Drupal News

eiriksm.dev: Getting rid of cronner.module

Drupal News - Fr, 07/26/2024 - 03:49

Background: This blog post is part 2 of musings around legacy code on violinist.io. Violinist.io is an automated dependency updater for PHP/Composer. It's a SaaS built on Drupal 8, now running on Drupal 10, in its eigth year. In this second post I am looking at one way to approach legacy code, and how to use static analysis and test driven development to safely refactor and remove legacy code.

Some months ago I wrote about the combined feeling of shame and respect that surrounds legacy code. In an attempt to get rid of the legacy code in what is called cronner.module, I will start from the top of the .module file, and work my way towards removing it completely. From time to time, that can also result in a good blog post, I thought. Here's a blog post about that.

The first lines of the module file is this:

<?php /** * @file * Cronner module. * * Bad name, but what are you going to do, right? */

The code here sounds a bit resigned when it asks about what are you going to do. But in this blog post, what are we going to do? We will start the process of getting rid of all of it, that's what we will do!

The first few lines of actual code are constant definitions. Here's the first one:

define('CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX', 'cronner_state.node.');

So far we can speculate, but it seems to be a prefix. And it's used for storing some state about nodes. Defining constants like this might seem strange if you are a bit new to Drupal, but this way of defining constants was canonical in Drupal 7 and below, but also followed a lot of codebases into the Drupal 8 era. Drupal core as well actually. One such example is the constant FILE_EXISTS_RENAME which lived on until Drupal 9 (deprecated in 8.7.0). Anyway I digress.

What we want then, is to remove this one constant. Let's just try that and see what breaks? Here's the output from phpunit:

There were 19 errors: … Error: Undefined constant "CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX”

The unit tests are failing. 19 of them. Good start, we have decent unit test coverage. Let's see if our integration tests fail?

xxx scenarios (xx passed, 112 failed) xxxx steps (xxxx passed, 49 failed, xxx skipped) xxmxx.xxs (90.59Mb)

112 scenarios failed in our behat test suite. Great indication that we can remove things safely! Lastly let's do some static analysis with PHPStan:

Line web/modules/custom/cronner/cronner.module ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx Constant CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX not found.

As expected, PHPStan also informs me about this change being a problem. Thanks PHPStan! It also indicates that among the scanned files, the constant is only used once. It's used like this:

/** * Gets the state key of a node. */ function _cronner_get_state_key(NodeInterface $node) { return CRONNER_STATE_KEY_PREFIX . $node->id(); }

In addition to the comment being very little helpful, this tells me I have just encountered another part of the cronner module to remove. Let's remove this entire function as well since we already know the function must be covered by both unit tests and integration tests. Then let’s go ahead and use a combination of TDD and static analysis (with PHPStan) to make sure our refactoring is successful. I remove the function and re-run PHPStan:

Function _cronner_get_state_key not found. … [ERROR] Found 7 errors

PHPStan is helpfully pointing out all of the 7 places I should start with the refactoring. I look through some of them and see the usages are quite connected to some of the other constants in the beginning of the file:

define('CRONNER_PROJECT_NEW', 'new'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_QUEUED', 'queued'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_RUNNING', 'running'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_PROCESSED', 'processed'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_ERRORED', 'errored'); define('CRONNER_PROJECT_UNKNOWN', 'unknown');

My mother always used to say. When you are tidying up your room it’s best to keep going while you are somewhat effective in deciding what to get rid of. If you find some of your old toys and start to play with them, it’s an indication that the tidying session is heading towards an unproductive state. And right now I feel effective and decide right away I am removing those constants as well. I guess that also makes the analogy to me tidying my room as a kid kind of weird, since the opposite would mean these constants were my toys, and I end up playing with them? I mean, I do end up playing with old code from time to time, but constants? No fun playing with.

But looking at these old toys, it also becomes obvious what we use these constants for. Node state could mean all kinds of things, right? This is used to store and update the job status of the projects. Like if they are currently queued, if they are currently running and so on.

So it turns out that while removing this, this actually seems like a good opportunity to clean up some of that code and make it a bit more modern. What I usually do when cleaning up custom code like this is to put as much as possible on drupal.org as open source code. This is the case now as well. So I open an issue to create a project run status service, and start to refactor the custom code and logic surrounding the removals of constants and functions in cronner.module. It can be found here: https://www.drupal.org/project/violinist_projects/issues/3453459.

Now I go ahead and start using this service. It quickly becomes obvious that some of the constants are also used in a map to display a human readable status to the user:

/** * Gets a human readable version of a status constant. * * @param string $status * A status constant. * * @return string * Something more sensible. */ function cronner_get_human_status($status) { $map = [ CRONNER_PROJECT_UNKNOWN => t('Unknown'), CRONNER_PROJECT_ERRORED => t('Errored'), CRONNER_PROJECT_PROCESSED => t('Processed'), CRONNER_PROJECT_RUNNING => t('Running'), CRONNER_PROJECT_NEW => t('New'), CRONNER_PROJECT_QUEUED => t('Queued'), ]; return !empty($map[$status]) ? $map[$status] : $status; }

There’s also methods for getting a state from a node, and setting it. Which I am also removing, and finding usages of in static analysis:

xxx Function cronner_set_state not found.
Kategorien: Drupal News

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Kategorien: Anleitungen