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Freelock Blog: Automatically tag articles

Drupal News - Do, 12/05/2024 - 17:00
Automatically tag articles Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 12/05/2024 - 07:00 Tags Website management Content Management Drupal Planet Artificial Intelligence

Today, another automation using the Drupal #AI module -- automatically tag your articles.

With the AI module, its AI Automators submodule, and a provider configured, you can add an automation to any field. With a Tag field on your content, you can edit the field definition and "Enable AI Automator". Give it a reasonable prompt, and it will tag your content for you.

Like most of the AI integrations, the great thing is you can easily edit the tags later if you want to highlight something specific, or if it comes up with something inappropriate.

Kategorien: Drupal News

Drupal Association blog: One month until Drupal 7 End of Life on 5 January 2025!

Drupal News - Do, 12/05/2024 - 17:00

As you’ve most likely heard already, Drupal 7's End of Life is fast approaching. Drupal 7 security support is ending one month from today on 5 January 2025 – fourteen years to the day that Drupal 7 was originally released! If you are still running Drupal 7 beyond this date, your website will be vulnerable to security risks and may face compatibility issues. 

With only one month left until Drupal 7 security support ends, now is the time to wrap up any final preparations to get your site ready in time for the end of life. While migrating from Drupal 7 may seem daunting, the Drupal Association is here to assure you that the process can be smooth from start to finish with sources like our Drupal 7 migration resource page. 

Hopefully, you have started your plan for life after Drupal 7, but if you are looking for direction, here are some paths you can take: 

Extended Security Support for Drupal 7

If you plan on keeping your site running on Drupal 7, check out our Drupal 7 Extended Security Support Program, if you haven’t already. 

Our D7 extended security support partners are ready to provide you with the support that you need!

Migration partners

On top of engaging an extended support partner, the Drupal Association has also created a list of certified migration partners for sites of all sizes. These partners can help you with your content strategy, audit your existing site, and help you through every step of the migration process to upgrade your site to modern Drupal.

Check out those who have already migrated!

Many folks have already migrated from Drupal 7, and you can find their stories on our case studies page.

Not migrating? Be sure to communicate with your users!

If migrating to a newer version or using extended support isn't feasible right now, it’s essential to notify your users of your security strategy. Make sure to inform your customers, managers, CISO, or other stakeholders about your plans for handling support and managing potential vulnerabilities. This transparency is important for maintaining trust and compliance!

Kategorien: Drupal News

ComputerMinds.co.uk: DDEV, solr, and platform.sh

Drupal News - Do, 12/05/2024 - 16:08

We use platform.sh to host many of our client Drupal sites, and many of those sites use Solr.

Platform.sh has great documentation for setting up Solr to work with Drupal, and it essentially boils down to something like this in a services.yaml file:

solr94: type: solr:9.4 disk: 1024 configuration: cores: main: conf_dir: !archive "solr_9.x_config/" endpoints: main: core: main

And then a directory of Solr config.

Platform.sh then gives you a nice PHP library that can wire up your configuration into Drupal's settings.php like this:

$platformsh->registerFormatter('drupal-solr', function($solr) { // Default the solr core name to `collection1` for pre-Solr-6.x instances. return [ 'core' => substr($solr['path'], 5) ? : 'collection1', 'path' => '', 'host' => $solr['host'], 'port' => $solr['port'], ]; }); // The Solr relationship name (from .platform.app.yaml) $relationship_name = 'solrsearch'; // The machine name of the server in your Drupal configuration. $solr_server_name = 'solr_server'; if ($platformsh->hasRelationship($relationship_name)) { // Set the connector configuration to the appropriate value, as defined by the formatter above. $config['search_api.server.' . $solr_server_name]['backend_config']['connector_config'] = $platformsh->formattedCredentials($relationship_name, 'drupal-solr'); }

All nice and simple, and works really well in platform.sh etc.


We wanted our DDEV based development environments to match the platform.sh approach as closely as possible, specifically we really didn't want to have two versions of the Solr config, and we didn't want to have one process for DDEV and another for platform.sh.

We are targeting Solr 9, so we are able to use the fantastic ddev/ddev-solr add-on that does the hard work of getting a Solr container running etc.

The add-on has the option of sending the Solr config (which Drupal can generate) to the Solr server, but then that config isn't the same as the config used by platform.sh. So we wanted to use the option where we make a core from existing set of config on disk. To do this we need a couple of things:

First, we make a 'placeholder' configset by creating a file at .ddev/solr/configsets/main/README.md with the following contents:

This directory will get mounted over the top of by the config from the .platform/solr_9.x_config directory at the root of this repository. See: docker-compose.cm-ddev-match-platform.yaml

And then we need a file .ddev/docker-compose.cm-ddev-match-platform.yaml with the following contents:

services: solr: volumes: # We sneakily mount our platform.sh config into the place that ddev-solr wants it. - ../.platform/solr_9.x_config:/mnt/ddev_config/solr/configsets/main

As the comment in the file says, this means that the same config is both used by platform.sh and the DDEV solr server for the main core.

Finally, we add a bit of a settings.php config for developers running DDEV:

// Hardcode the settings for the Solr config to match our ddev config. // The machine name of the server in your Drupal configuration: 'solr_server'. $config['search_api.server.solr_server']['backend_config']['connector'] = 'basic_auth'; $config['search_api.server.solr_server']['backend_config']['connector_config']['host'] = 'solr'; $config['search_api.server.solr_server']['backend_config']['connector_config']['username'] = 'solr'; $config['search_api.server.solr_server']['backend_config']['connector_config']['password'] = 'SolrRocks'; $config['search_api.server.solr_server']['backend_config']['connector_config']['core'] = 'main';

And that's it! So simple, thanks DDEV!

Kategorien: Drupal News

Basissystem für Workstation - Grafikkarte in VM

Virtualisierungen - Do, 12/05/2024 - 14:48
Question: Hallo zusammen, zum Jahresende durfte ich mir eine potente Workstation zu Arbeits- und Testzwecken leisten. :-) Kurz zur Hardware: AMD Ryzen 7 9700X @105w :-D... 2 Kommentare, 1333 mal gelesen.
Kategorien: Anleitungen

LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 5 - Blog Recipe

Drupal News - Do, 12/05/2024 - 11:00
Drupal Advent Calendar day 5 - Blog Recipe james Thu, 12/05/2024 - 09:00

In the early days of Drupal, it was a popular blogging platform. Nowadays, while it is rare to use Drupal for a pure blog site, it is still quite common for Drupal sites to include a blog. There even used to be a dedicated blog module in Drupal, but it was largely superseded by Drupal’s core functionality.

The ‘Blog’ recipe for Drupal Starshot is designed to facilitate the creation and management of blog posts on a website. It will create the ‘Blog’ content type, equipped with the necessary fields and features that enable content creators to produce rich, informative, and engaging blog entries…

Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: Contribution Day at DrupalCon Singapore 2024: A Day of Collaboration and Innovation

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 18:42
As a leading open-source project, Drupal thrives on contributions from its global community. Contribution Day is a focused event at DrupalCon where individuals collaborate to improve Drupal. It’s a space for sharing expertise, mentoring others, and making tangible progress on various projects.
Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: Meet the Speakers: DrupalCon Singapore 2024 Part 1

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 18:04
As part of the Meet the Speakers: DrupalCon Singapore 2024 series, The DropTimes highlights sessions by Yas Naoi on Behavior-Driven Development, Ajit Shinde on PHP 8 features, and Alexey Murz Korepov on observability in decoupled Drupal. This series provides a glimpse into the conference’s rich lineup and offers insights into what speakers are bringing to the event, happening December 9-11 at PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay.
Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: TDT Is the Official Media Partner for DrupalCon Singapore 2024

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 18:04
The DropTimes will provide in-depth coverage of DrupalCon Singapore 2024, happening from December 9 to 11 at PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay. Follow for updates, insights, and highlights from Asia’s first DrupalCon in nearly a decade.
Kategorien: Drupal News

Tag1 Consulting: Migrating your Data from D7 to D10: Public and private file migrations

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 17:20

After discussing how to avoid entity ID conflicts in the previous article, we are finally ready to start migrating content. The first entity we will focus on is files, covering both public and private file migrations. We will share tips and hacks related to performance optimizations and discuss how to handle files hosted outside of Drupal.

mauricio Wed, 12/04/2024 - 07:20
Kategorien: Drupal News

Freelock Blog: Automatically send notifications to Matrix

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 17:00
Automatically send notifications to Matrix Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 12/04/2024 - 07:00 Tags Development Open Source ECA Matrix Automation Drupal Planet

When you work on a team, it's useful to have notifications go to a chat room where you can coordinate any necessary action. Reviewing a comment before publishing, seeing stories as they are written, getting notified of new orders are the kinds of things we like having in a shared room.

Kategorien: Drupal News

Droptica: What to Do When You Forgot or Lost Your Drupal Admin Password?

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 16:17

Losing access to your Drupal admin account can be a stressful experience. Your admin password is the key to maintaining and managing your website and being locked out can halt your ability to make critical updates or manage content. Fortunately, there are several methods to regain access, whether you're using Drupal 7 or the latest version of the system. This guide will walk you through the possible options to reset your password and return to your web page.

Kategorien: Drupal News

Drupal life hack's: How can AI help in understanding regular expressions using Drupal examples?

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 15:54
How can AI help in understanding regular expressions using Drupal examples? admin Wed, 12/04/2024 - 15:54
Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: Axelerant’s IDMC Digital Overhaul Earns Splash Awards Asia Nomination

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 15:00
In the second episode of The DropTimes' "Splash Award Finalists" series, explore how Axelerant’s innovative work for the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) has transformed its digital platform. Learn how this project tackles global displacement challenges and why it’s a contender for the 'Not-for-Profit' category at the Splash Awards Asia.
Kategorien: Drupal News

Neustrukturierung VDI - 230 Virtuelle Desktops mit vGPU

Virtualisierungen - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 12:10
General: Hallo zusammen, nachdem wir nun Storage-seitig und SAN-seitig die Weichen gestellt haben (es ist eine Alletra MP Block geworden, angebunden per QSFP28 an 100 G... 24 Kommentare, 1687 mal gelesen.
Kategorien: Anleitungen

LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 4 - Drupal.org

Drupal News - Mi, 12/04/2024 - 11:00
Drupal Advent Calendar day 4 - Drupal.org james Wed, 12/04/2024 - 09:00

Today Tim Lehnen from the Drupal Association joins us to talk about some of the changes taking place on the Drupal.org website as part of Starshot.

For day 4 of the Drupal Advent calendar, it’s a familiar face: Drupal.org! When we say “Come for the code, stay for the community!” Drupal.org is where we welcome everyone to join us.  Sure, you can find all the code, extensions, and documentation you need here, but Drupal.org is so much more. It’s the place where one of the greatest communities in open source gathers to communicate, collaborate, and celebrate.

Drupal.org is also a part of Drupal…

Kategorien: Drupal News

HUNSN Erweiterung für NIFI

Virtualisierungen - Di, 12/03/2024 - 17:07
Question: Hallo liebe Leute, ich habe mir vor einem halben Jahr einen HUNSN RJ42 N100 6M Cache, 3.40 GHz gekauft um darauf pfSense und ein paar... 2 Kommentare, 895 mal gelesen.
Kategorien: Anleitungen

Freelock Blog: Automatically show this month and next month in a perpetual calendar

Drupal News - Di, 12/03/2024 - 17:00
Automatically show this month and next month in a perpetual calendar Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 12/03/2024 - 07:00 Tags Drupal CMS Website management ECA Drupal Planet

One of our clients is Programming Librarian, a site for librarians to plan educational programs. Programs, like many events, are often seasonal, oriented around holidays and seasonal activities.

The site has a block for each month of the year, containing content for that month. It has a custom field for the month number.

Kategorien: Drupal News

Matt Glaman: The Web APIs powering the Drupal CMS trial experience

Drupal News - Di, 12/03/2024 - 16:00

This blog expands on my DrupalCon Barcelona talk, which I managed to squeeze into a twenty-minute session slot. You can download a copy of my slides. Unfortunately, I could not dedicate enough time to the project and stepped down as the trial track lead. The Drupal CMS trial is no longer based on my WebAssembly work, and an ongoing process is being conducted to provide an official demo.

Kategorien: Drupal News

Metadrop: A content manager on steroids: combine Drupal with AI to create content efficiently

Drupal News - Di, 12/03/2024 - 11:22
Revolutionizing Content Editing with AI in Drupal

Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool to enhance the process of creating and managing digital content. Drupal, known for its flexibility and robustness as a content management system (CMS), has already started to integrate this new technology, adding exceptional capabilities for generating and improving content.

In this detailed guide, as a showcase, we will demonstrate how to install and configure the modules AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Image Genie AI in Drupal, the first to integrate AI with CKEditor, thereby improving its editing capabilities, such as text generation, tone alterations, or translations, and the second to generate images, enabling the creation of complete content , quickly and efficiently.

It is worth mentioning that these modules are currently in development phase, so their use in production is currently discouraged.

Kategorien: Drupal News

LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 3 - Contact Form

Drupal News - Di, 12/03/2024 - 11:00
Drupal Advent Calendar day 3 - Contact Form james Tue, 12/03/2024 - 09:00

Today we’re looking at a fairly simple addition to Starshot, but one that can add a lot of power to a site.

While the default Drupal install provides a contact form, it does it through the rather basic “contact” module, that is built into Drupal Core. This has a lot of limitations, and many people prefer to use the more powerful “Webform” module.

Providing this in Drupal CMS saves the somewhat tedious process of adding a contact form to each Drupal installation. It also adds a Webform contact form in a more standard way, so sites are more likely to follow a consistent pattern when adding…

Kategorien: Drupal News